The story starts in Lithuania in the mid-19th century when Samuel was born to a humble tailor but, amid increasing persecution, he moved to Sheffield as a teenager where his uncle had a cutlery manufacturing business. At the age of 21, Sammy embarked for Cape Town with a canteen of cutlery providing him with the capital to begin trading as a "smous" or travelling salesman. Joined by his cousin, Isaac Lewis, they followed the diamond rush to Kimberley and quickly built up their business supplying merchandise to the miners before branching out into diamond trading. Ever the visionary, he realised the need for coal to power the diamond mines and moved to the Transvaal, now Gauteng, and soon became the King of Coal.
Ever the entrepreneur, Sammy's business interests spanned gold and coal mining, a distillery, a canning factory, a glass factory, a brick and tile works and an iron and steel works and most of these were the precursors to well known and major enterprises today. The story is told of how he was particularly intrigued by a valley he would traverse as he travelled between his home in Pretoria and the coal mines in Vereeniging. Intuition led him to propose to his two partners that they sell their coal interests and buy significant land holdings in the valley but he was outvoted. Subsequently, the farms he proposed buying was where major gold deposits were discovered only a few years later and where modern Johannesburg stands today!
A close friendship and trust grew between Sammy and President Kruger and his cabinet ministers as well as well known Boer Generals Botha, de Wet and de la Rey but equally close ties developed between himself and the Lords Roberts, Kitchener and Milner of the British forces. A lookout on the estate would forewarn the household which dignitaries were approaching so that the appropriate flag could be hoisted in welcome and it is recorded that Sammy played an invaluable role as a go between the two sides..
An excellent tea garden and restaurant serves delicious meals and cakes - highly recommended. Guided tours are conducted several times a day starting at 10am on most days of the year.

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